Microbiology test in English
The activity consists of a presentation explaining a micro-organism and how it is controlled in samples through microbiological testing in the laboratory.
Work in gropus of 3. Each group has a different microorganism.
Group 1: Wassima, Mass & Natàlia. Fungus and Yeast
Group 2: Pau, Sofia and Arnau R. Streptococcus
Group 3: Marta, Dani and Ivan. Fecal Coliforms
Group 4: Joel, Alba and Alex. Staphylococcus Aureus.
Group 5: Arnau C, Sebas and Manu. Clostridium
Goup 6: Alina, Jamal and Christian. Escherichia Coli
Goup 7: Ciro, Ale i Eduard. Salmonella.
Group 8: Ignasi, Jordi i Leo. Total Coliforms
The presentation must include the following information:
1) Descritption of the microorganism ( morphology, characteristics, metabolism.....)
2) Sample for the analyisis ( food or water): Why is it important to analyse this micro-organism in this sample? What kind of disease can it cause? What is the source of the contamination? How is the sample prepared for analysis?
3) Which cultural media would you use for the analysis? Differentiation and selection factors.
4) Other materials and equipment
5) The analysis protocol's main steps ( type of innoculation, isolation or biochemical test if necessary)
6) Observations and calculations. Descriptions of the colonies. How would you know count and determine if the samples are contaminated?
Group: RA4 the writting of the presentation. RA5 use of the appropiate vocabulary.
Individual: RA3 Speaking RA5 Attitude.